Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Unexpected Interruption In Regular Programming...

So the therapist I went to see for my hand today has recommended a "no-beading-jewelry-making-handling-tiny-objects" regime for the next 6 weeks.

What am I talking about? Let's rewind a bit and go to the last week of August 2012. One fine day, not gradually, but one fine day, my left thumb started to ache. Sharp pain. I figured it was a sprain. I massaged it myself, hoping it would go away soon. It didn't. I saw a general doctor, she taped my hand, immobilized it for about 4 days. Thumb felt good while tied down, but flared up again when untied. I went back to the doctor, and she said it could be arthritis and I should get blood tests done.

Meh...I knew it was not that. So I stalled. I started using my hand in odd ways in order to not strain the thumb. Holding, grabbing got painful, so I started using my palm to carry things I would normally hold with my fingers and thumb. Result: wrist pain.

I finally looked for, and found a hand specialist. He said right away that most of my joints were "loose". He gave me a brace to wear, which was too big. So he sent me to a physical therapist, who would work with the hand, and also make me a custom splint.

I went today, my therapist was very sweet, and made me this

See how close the thumb is to the hand? That's the problem. I cannot move my thumb out without pain, hence the grabbing problem. See how far out the splint extends into the arm? Another problem. If the wrist moves in a position other than neutral, it hurts. She said she never had to make a splint with the thumb so close. I had waited tooooo long to get this fixed, and it will take some time to heal. And I need to work on it a lot. Work on not working with it, that is.

Hence the minimum 6 week sabbatical. She even suggested buying pre-chopped vegetables for cooking, not holding anything much with the left hand, and in general being very gentle with it. And I fully intend to do that. 

So that is the story.

I have a couple small custom orders, and one blog challenge to finish and that's it for now.

I am bummed, of course, but am looking at this as an opportunity to organize my supplies that are scattered all over the living room into some portable drawers I have. This year, I also want to plan what jewelry I want to make, instead of working haphazardly doing whatever my mood dictates. I want to be more "disciplined" about this. (Yup, my word for this year!). I have had one jewelry show my friend held for me at her house. This was only a few months after I started making jewelry, and it was a huge success. That time, I sketched out my designs, and planned which ones I would do when. And I made almost 75 pieces in about a couple months. Which was a lot for a beginner! I hope to follow that method and bring some order to the chaos that my life is at the moment.
Another thing I want to do is learn photoshop skills, at least some basic things. And also go over the manual of my dSLR.

I also need to follow up on a few things I want to do for my home. So all in all, 6 weeks seems to be too short a time to do everything that I want to during my sabbatical.

I will still blog, and will keep y'all posted on how the hand is healing!

Now, I am off to make some lemonade with this splinted lemon that has been handed to me ;-)



  1. Oh no! I hope you are not left-handed because that would make things so difficult! Take care of that hand so you can get back to doing the things you love.

    1. Alice, thankfully, its not my dominant hand. That would have been really bad!

  2. Well it sucks that you don't get to play with your pretties for a while, but it's great that you're planning out ways to KEEP working on your jewelry :) Organizing and designing in prep for future work :D

    Hope it heals well!

    1. Thanks Sandra! Yeah, my "beading corner" is still as messy as it was when B'Sue did the messy workshop hop. So lets see...whether i am able to get this done now or not :)

  3. I can sympathize with you. Some day I will write a blog about my hand curse which is called Dupuytren’s contracture. I will include photos of my devices which are numerous. I had surgery on my right hand followed by 6 months ot. I have exercise and all sorts of things to do. I am having the left hand done in May--not surgery. I am having an injection. I will be never have surgery on my hands again. I waited too long to deal with my problem also. Live and learn!

    1. Wow! Kathy, that sounds like quite an ordeal! I hope the injection helps!

  4. oh no! so sorry to hear this, but I hope the splint helps

  5. I wish for you a fast, complete, and uneventful recovery!

    1. Thank you, Christine! Your list has all the things I am hoping for too :)

  6. Oh, dear, it's good you have stockpiled a few tasks that need attention, Kashmira. Hope you are a fast healer. That sounds like tendon inflammation... ouch!

  7. Hope the six weeks flys by and you are back to what you do SO well.

  8. Ouch! Sorry to hear this, Kashmira! We will miss your creations but you have to take such great care of it now that you will have twice the productivity when you start again! Take care....Jayshri.

  9. Ouch! Not good news for sure. Take it easy and heal fast!

  10. Love your positive outlook! I would have whined and cried the 6 weeks away ;-) Hope your hand feels better soon!

  11. Oh noes! I injured my elbow after repetitive motion when I made 30 bracelets for a fundraiser. I ended up doing physical therapy and it took care of the pain and now I wear a band around my arm. I can totally relate the frustration. Rest and take care of your hand! Wishing you quick recovery! Hugs

  12. Oh no! This sounds terrible!
    But can I come look at your splint sometime soon? Looks cool :P

  13. I donno how I landed on this post of yours, but my heart is with you now.. Get well soon..!

  14. Oh no! I think I remembering you mentioning something about loose joints but I had no idea it was this bad. I'm so sorry. I am glad you have a backup plan though to use up all that time. I hope all is healed in time. {HUGS}
    What does this mean for our exercise routine? We weren't so good with the texts last week. My schedule was all off. I'm guessing yours was too. :(

  15. So I decided to scroll down and look for a post about your hand...and here it is. So it is what you were going through when we swapped...I'm so sorry it has returned...Hang in there! Again I wish you a speedy recovery!
    Terri G.
